Summary: | The chapters which follow present an attempted interpretation of the molding of Christianity by contemporary cultures -- an historical process which today is culminating in an assault upon the idea of God, backed by the resources of powerful military nations. These governments have taken the position that faith in deity is a menace to both social and political progress. This book is an introduction to a new type of apologetic for the Christian faith -- an inductive or scientific approach to the problem of religion -- grounded upon the harmony and the consistency of the evangelical experience with the observable processes of our phenomenal world, as these are described by competent scientists. The powers which today are striving to destroy the belief in the idea of God, an effort which has assumed the character of a Blitzkrieg against God -- a lightning-like war upon the Judge of the Nations -- have developed within the past quarter of a century a God-defying nationalism, which is the basic cause of World War II. No one can study the impact of successive linguistic cultures upon Christian thought and practice without discerning through the centuries the growth of the Revolt against God. An historical continuity is clearly in evidence. Beyond question, the climax of the age-long conflict between human culture and divine providence is being reached. If the perusal of this book awakens a deeper interest in the study of this conflict the writer will be fully rewarded. - Preface.