Summary: | From the Dust Jacket: The Invisibles are the gods of voodoo, some of them spirits and some of them dead ancestors elevated to the ranks of divinity. Born of the African religions, voodoo was originally brought to Haiti by the slaves and today permeates nearly all of Haitian society: the supernatural is invoked to teach young children to behave, to cure illness and to curse enemies; politicians take madwomen to bed to ensure success in elections. After many months of direct observation, Francis Huxley recounts with warmth and personal feeling how he befriended a Haitian voodoo priestess, took part in voodoo ceremonies, and received instruction in black magic from practicing priests. The Invisibles brings forth dark gods from the hotbed of superstition, magic, curse and counter-curse that is Haiti today-gods that stand revealed before the latest member of a brilliant dynasty of scholars and writers.