Qulirat qanemcit-llu kinguvarcimalriit = Stories for future generations : the oratory of Yup'ik elder Paul John /
Saved in:
Author / Creator: | John, Paul, 1928- |
Imprint: | Bethel, Alaska : Calista Elders Council ; Seattle : in association with University of Washington Press, c2003. |
Description: | lxxvi, 778 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. |
Language: | English Yupik |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
URL for this record: | http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/cat/bib/5142633 |
Table of Contents:
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Kangrilnguum ayuquciq man'a tekilluku Paul John's life up to this time
- Tauna qanemciq ayaagturatullrulliniuq arulaiyuunani That story went on and on without stopping
- A'ka Tamaani Yuullrat: Life in the Past
- Cingumailriit kingumta yuitnek: To encourage future generations
- Allamek-gguq ella yuituq: They say the world is populated by no one else [but relatives]
- Yuut Ungungssit-llu: Humans and Animals
- Tan'gaurluq nakacuut ayautellrat: The boy who was taken away by bladders
- Yuuk malruk atertellrek: Two who drifted away
- Yuilqumun ayalleq nunameggnek: The one who left her village and went to the wilderness
- Enret aulukellrata iqukegtarii: A good ending for taking care of bones
- Nunakun ciutelget: Those who have ears through the ground
- Tan'gaurluum Qayassiigmi uitallra: The boy who had an experience on Qayaassiq
- Tamaani Cat Paivngallratni: Back When Extraordinary Beings Were Present
- Qamungelria: The old bear
- Amiingirayulit: Those who are good at blocking doors
- Anglingnarlit: The ones who grow
- Kiirraraarmeng Yuullret: Those Who Lived Alone
- Angun ciissiq-llu: The man and the ciissiq
- Apalek: One with a grandfather
- Angutet Arnat-llu: Men and Women
- Angutem anrutaanek arcaqakinrilnguq: The one who didn't think much of a man's stomach
- Arnaq anagkenglleq: The woman who won
- Aavacin: Aavacin
- Uqilalria arnaq: A woman who was a fast runner
- Malrugnek nulialek: The one with two wives
- Aipaqellrianun alerquun: Advice to couples
- Angayuqat Irniarit-llu: Parents and Children
- Aanaka-llii ner'aqa-llii: I have eaten my mother
- Umyuamek catevkarillerkaq: The way the mind can be hurt
- Angelria angun: The big man
- Qetunraq qamiqurrlainaq: Son who was nothing but a head
- Yupiuyaraq: Becoming a Yup'ik Person
- Elpecenek uptuci: You are getting yourselves ready
- Niicugninqegcaarturaasqelluki qanrucetullruit: They told them to listen thoroughly and attentively
- Nasaurluut waten elpeciucetun ayuqucirkaatnek qanaataqluki: He would give advice to young girls like you about proper behavior and conduct
- Tan'gaurluq kangingaqami taugaam taqtuli: Boy who had to find out for himself
- Alerquutet iinrutun ayuqut: Advice is like medicine
- Ungalek: One with a beard
- Qanruyutelten maligtengnaqu'urluki ernikina ernerpak: Try to follow what was said to you all day
- Kass'at yuullrat qacignarqenrituq: White people do not live easy lives
- Anngaat Uyuraat-llu: Older Brothers and Younger Siblings
- Anngaan nayagani-llu: The older brother and his younger sister
- Anngaq uyuraq-llu: The older brother and the younger brother
- Anngaqelriik: Those two who were brothers
- Anngaq nayagani-llu: An older brother and his younger sister
- Angalkut: Shamans
- Tumaralria: Tumaralria
- Tumaralria Kangangaq-llu: Tumaralria and Kangangaq
- Kukugyarpak: Kukugyarpak
- Aatama atallranek: My father's deceased father
- Angalkut: Angalkut
- Angalkunek qanemcit: Stories of angalkut
- Temcinarqerrlulriit: Some That Are Slightly Funny
- Temcinarqerrlulriit: Some that are slightly funny
- Tengssuucet akaar paqnanarqellruut: Airplanes were interesting a long time ago
- Cam Ayagniqarraallra: Origins
- Nunivaam yungeqarraallra: How Nunivak first got its people
- Yupiit atunem anguyakutellrat: Yupiit going to war against each other
- Nukalpiat: Great Hunters
- Nukalpialler: The bad nukalpiaq
- Nukalpiaq alegyunglleq imarpigmek: A nukalpiaq who became confident [he could travel and hunt] on the ocean
- Tamaani yuut ucurnarqellratni: In those days when people did things to be proud of
- Asgirpagkaq Uqumyaar-llu: Asgirpagkaq and Uqumyaar
- Pamailnguaraurluuq: One who was always slow to respond
- Yuut atertellri: People who drifted away
- Atertaulleq yuk: The person who drifted away
- Tan'gaurluq tengyugngalria: The boy who could fly
- Ellminek Ikayuryqraq Yuilqumi: Yup'ik Survival Tools
- Makuat: Glittering particles used as compasses
- Anuqem tungai ellaliuryaraq-llu: Weather directions and forecasting
- Ellaliuryaraq: Checking the weather
- Ellarrlugmi cayaraq: What to do during a storm
- Ayuqucin pascirluku yuugi: Start living with something to back you up
- Yugtun igautellrit Kass'atun-llu mumigtellrit: Yup'ik transcription and translation
- Notes
- Glossary
- References