Review by Choice Review
This book was written by botanists who are or have been associated for many years with the National Herbarium in Islamabad, to introduce conspicuous members of the flora of Pakistan to the people of that nation. In the US it will be of interest to people (1) who are going to visit Pakistan and who wish to identify the common plants; (2) who wish information and pictures of southwestern Asiatic plants cultivated elsewhere; or (3) who need illustrations of some common subtropical and warm temperate plants of wide distribution. The book covers just a bit more than 650 species (out of 4,940 species recorded from Pakistan). The plants were selected using three criteria: they are widespread and common; they are conspicuous in leaf or flower; and some are typical or representative of the four main provinces of Pakistan. Inevitably, some of the plants are naturalized or widely distributed exotics. Some 639 species are illustrated with small, but generally clear, Kodachromes, and 15 species are illustrated with line drawings. Six introductory pages describes the phytogeographic areas, but the bulk of the book (263 pages) consists of keys for identification of the plants. There is also a 17-page illustrated glossary. General readers. G. P. DeWolf Jr.; emeritus, Massachusetts Bay Community College
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review